Monday, November 3, 2014

The ups and downs of Kenya

Kenya is one of the most culturally rich countries in Africa, with at least 40 different ethnic groups live in Kenya. Kenya also has one of the best literacy rates on the continent; around 87% for the entire population. Kenya also has a significant amount of natural resources such as limestone, salt, gemstones, zinc, hydropower, abundance of wildlife, and etc. But despite the large quantity of natural resources and high literacy rate they’re still considered a developing country so they do have their problems. Kids would graduate from school with several degrees but unable to apply what they’ve learned to improve their living conditions. Actually most of them end up on the streets, jobless, with nothing to do. Like most developing countries majority of the population are subsistence farmers. So in time of crop failure, most of these families go starving. The unpredictable climate conditions in Kenya sometimes worsen the situation. About 50% of their population is below the poverty line and about 40% are unemployed. HIV/AIDS also make up a great deal of the population. 1.5 million cases were recorded in 2009 along with about 80,000 deaths. Corruption and poor leadership are other reasons why Kenya still linger in poverty. Corruption has gotten so bad in Kenya that the people on the streets think corruption is normal.

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