Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ethiopia's Conditions

Ethiopia has a lot of problems ranging from poverty, unhealthy conditions, lack of hygiene and clean drinking water. Wells and springs are being built to promote sanitation and good hygiene, but the contaminated water can lead to diseases and death. Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world and is hit by frequent droughts and famine. About 84% of the population live in rural areas and make their living through farming. Based on the United Nations Development Programme, sanitations are the lowest in the rural parts of the country. Due to this situation, hundreds of people fall ill and die daily from drinking contaminated water. Little food is produced since the harvests are entirely dependent on rainfall and livestock die from diseases related to poor water quality. The solution is to construct infrastructure to extract water from the subsoil and make it accessible to all Ethiopians. But the problem is a lack of material, and financial and human resources.


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