Monday, September 22, 2014

New Information: Warned of Bloodshed Before Attack

 September 16, British hostages were killed at an Algerian gas plant at the In Amenas complex. There were 40 hostages in total, involved in a four day stand off that started on the 13th.
       It was a worker who was behind the stand up, and he allegedly threatened management with bloodshed the night before their deaths.
    "Bridget Dolan, counsel to the coroner, put to him claims that a translator had overheard one of the drivers' representatives say: 'You have made your law but tomorrow when you wake up you will have a surprise and there will be bloodshed.' " Mark Cobb, In Ameans deputy general management, denied knowing that that was said. He stated that know one translated that for him. He went on to say that if he knew that it was said, he would've been worried.
    Carl Bilsland, a worker and one of the six killed, had recently written to his family about the security. He wrote, "The job is fine but security is not good and not safe compared to other places I've worked." 

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